How to Beat Jet Lag & Post Trip Blues

Coming home after a vacation might be hard. From jet lag to post trip blues, you need to get back into your routine both mentally and physically. So, I have put together a little list of some of my best tactics to getting back in the swing of things after a vacation. 



no alcohol. 

I know it's tempting to have a glass of wine when you get back from a trip, but give yourself at least 5 days before consuming any alcohol. I try to stick to this timeline as best as possible because it honestly makes me feel so much better and get over jet lag quicker. Alcohol makes jet lag worse by making you tired, increasing your sugar intake and even making it harder for you to sleep. 


Eat tons of greens. 

While on vacation you probably ate most meals at restaurants. Although this probably tasted amazing, it is important to add in some extra greens to your diet when you get home. Try a large salad for lunch and some extra greens at dinner (I like Kale). These greens are packed with fiber and nutrients that will naturally help your body get back on track. 


Drink TONS of water. 

Water might be the most important part to beating jet lag. When you are dehydrated, your body is completely out of balance. It is so easy to not drink enough water on planes. The drink cart only comes by once or twice and you are only drinking a few small cups. So, make sure to bring a water bottle with you to fill up on the plane and continue drinking tons of water once you land. 

Pro Tip: Add lemon to your water to help with bloating! 



Get some exercise. 

By exercise I don't mean suddenly go to the gym and work out harder than you ever have before. I know you probably want to loose all that vacation weight you put on after those extra slices of pizza or glasses of wine, but give yourself some time. Your body is exhausted when you are jet lagged, so take it easy at first. I usually give myself a day before I work out to allow my body to rest. I sometimes start with yoga or a light run to ease my body back into exercise. It is important not to push your body too hard at first because you can hurt yourself and drag the jet lag out longer. 



Carve out time to relax. 

This is something most people don't do. I know you were just on vacation and probably spent weeks relaxing, but remember that traveling can be hard on your body. When you get home, you need time to just unwind, reflect, and get back to daily life. I usually like to save my first night home for myself. I clear my calendar completely, watch my favorite movie, make a good home cooked meal and just relax. 



The last and most important tip in my opinion...





Give yourself something to look forward to. 

I struggle when coming home from a trip because I know the fun is over. I hate leaving a place and not having another trip on the horizon (spoken like a true travel addict). So, I always try to give myself something to look forward to when I return. This can be something as simple as a girls night or dinner at your favorite restaurant. The goal here is to remind yourself there are so many more trips to be had and the fun never has to end.